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SF Poker Run and Raft UP Sunset Lake
About this event
Join Seafarers for our annual Poker Run on Saturday, December 9th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. with raft up on Sunset Lake to follow. Come by boat, dinghy, kayak, or jet ski. Bring a snack to share and BYOB.
There will be 5 stops on docks in PGI. The cost is $5.00 per hand. Monies will be collected prior to December 7th by Jim Sutliff at his home on 2811 Ryan Blvd. At that time you will receive a list of the docks.
Please contact Jim Sutliff with questions at or 513-582-6349.
See you there!
5 PGI Docks and Sunset Lake
Event Contact(s)
Jim Sutliff
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only