Broadway Palm Theater
Chairperson - Kerry Foscardo

The Broadway Palm Theater is a wonderful opportunity for dinner and a show, all included with your ticket (drinks extra). It is either a dinner buffet or prime rib dinner served at your table, and each year the show changes (for 2021 it is Happy Days---come see "The Fonz").
Dine Around
Chairpersons - Bonnie Smith & Steve Tennis
We all like to eat, right? Well, doing so with a table full of friends and not having to clean up afterwards is our version of fun! We love to support our local business community and normally dine near home, but we make the occasional foray into Cape Coral and beyond just to shake things up.
Host and Toast
Chairpersons - Lynn Marcuse
Host and Toast is a great opportunity to enjoy JFFers in a small group setting. This activity meets the last Sunday of the month. The host provides the main course. Everyone contributes to the meal, and it’s BYOB. Come join in the fun.
Ladies Lunch
Chairpersons - Gayle Clark

Ladies Lunch is held on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The Leaders identify both local favorites and some restaurants that may be unfamiliar to our members. This is always an opportunity to see old friends and meet new members. Sign up on the JFF Calendar so reservations can be made for you.
Mix and Mingle
Chairperson - Judy Gardner

Mix and Mingle is a monthly event and provides an informal opportunity to come and meet with your fellow flamingos over cocktails. Usually held at St. Andrew's Golf Club, it is also a great opportunity for new members to meet others in our flock.
Men's Lunch
Chairperson - Steve Spann
The Men’s Lunch event takes place once a month in a choice local restaurant. It is a typical laid back Florida happening where you just show up if you feel like spending quality time with the “guys”. No sign-up necessary but please wear your name tag so others can recognize where we’re sitting.
Chairperson - Karen Palma
TGIF Happy Hour is held on the 1st Friday of the month, we are not sure why we do this on a Friday since everyday is a "weekend in Paradise" here in Punta Gorda. In summer months we meet at TT Tiki's on beautiful Charlotte Harbor, and in season we change the scenery to many different locations.
Thanksgiving Celebration
Chairpersons - Carol and Chris Nasby

A JFF Thanksgiving is a gathering of fun-loving friends, usually at the Pavilion at Ponce Park. We ask that you sign up on the JFF website and list what dish you will be bringing. Bring your own beverage and chairs if you want to stay for the sunset.