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Host & Toast - February 2025

About this event







Host & Toast has been a big success.  What is Host & Toast Nite? It's an intimate dinner party (small group), hosted by one of our members at their home. It is held on the 4th Sunday of each month, so put a hold on the date on your 4th Sundays!


But we can't have Host & Toast Nite if we don't have Host & Toast Nite Host(s).  Remember, the host sets the maximum number of attendees as well as the time of the event.

Host & Toast Nite

It's fun! It's informal! Host & Toast is an intimate and small group dinner party that allows members to get know one another better. The host prepares the main course and assigns members to appetizers, other dishes, desserts to share, and each member brings their own drinks.

- 4th Sunday of the Month

- Generally starts at 5:30pm but host can vary time as they want

- Host determines maximum number of registrants they can accommodate at their home

- Host provides plates, silverware, glasses and ice

- Everyone brings their own beverage

-If we have more members sign ups than can be accommodated by the host, additional Host & Toast Nites locations can be set up for that night at another host's home.

Our hosts for February's Host & Toast are Bob & Kay Abbs who live at 180 Bayshore Court in Punta Gorda.  If you have any questions, then don't hesitate to contact our Event Coordinator Janice Gorrell at (519) 817-4176 or email her at, or our hostess Kay Abbs at (941) 979-6667.

Date and Time

Sunday, February 23, 2025, 5:30 PM until 8:00 PM


Hosts Bob & Kay Abbs
180 Bayshore Court
Punta Gorda, FL  33950
(941) 979-6667

Event Contact(s)

Janice M Gorrell

Kay Abbs


JFF - Just For Fun

Registration Info

Registration is required
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:00 PM
   Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association | 2001 Shreve St. Punta Gorda, Fl 33950 | 941-637-1655